September 13, 2013


I was wrecked today.
Some may initially think negativity, but I believe it was actually a positive thing. Lies were revealed and broken off so that more truth can resurface and plant itself. You know that old saying… Never pray for something you don’t want???? I’m going to give a few amen’s to that.
I’ll get back to the soaking part momentarily, but right now this topic overrides.
It’s been awhile since I have felt such an assortment of emotions in such a short amount of time. Sorrow overcome with joy, fear overcome with peace, heartbreak overcome with healing, loneliness overcome with hope, I could go on and on.  
I am experiencing a few life changes at the moment as most of us are. And obviously experiencing them with mixed emotions. However, I choose to look at the positive side of things and see what I can learn from the changes.  
Some of you may know I am getting ready to re-enter the corporate world. Not something I thought I would do again for a while, but that’s a story for another time. I was wrecked today when I was given a beautiful image of His desperate and heartbreaking love for His children. I am very much aware the heartbreak I felt when I walked away from the little guy I have come to love as my own over the last 8 months is just a glimpse of the heartbreak our Caregiver feels for us when we are separated from His love.  
Let me set the stage for you. I am saying my goodbyes and this little guy that I am completely crazy for and melts my heart comes running over with arms outstretched. Of course, without hesitation I reach down and pick him up. He gives me a big hug and lays his head down on my chest. If there was a more liquid form of liquid, that is where my heart would be at this moment in time. I have become this little one’s caregiver, friend, and comforter. I feel as though I had a mother’s love for this little guy. It came time for me to leave and he did not want me to put him down. In fact, his mother had to pry him out of my arms. It broke my heart to leave this little fellow. And it wrecked my world when I realized this is just a small taste of how our Father, Caregiver, Friend, and Comforter feels when we are ripped and torn out of His loving and protecting arms by the lies and schemes society will feed our souls. 
It is my prayer that I will someday reach the point of a blood curling, kicking, and screaming fit when I am ployed into the world’s ways rather than my Father’s. I believe it is a process that is well in the making. *Have I ever told you, you shouldn’t pray for something unless you are sure you want it??? 
Later in the evening I attended a beautiful wedding ceremony of a beautiful couple. Here I was; experiencing the emotional distress of completing one chapter of my life and preparing to start another when I was completely overcome with joy for the couple that is experiencing the same thing in a different way. The old saying that good things must fall apart for better things to fall into place rings true. Especially here. I had a good thing going. For that matter, in my mind I had a great thing going. I can’t imagine what is in store for me next as I know I am in His hands of protection for He can see what is coming down my path before I do for He has proven this time and time again in my life. 

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