July 28, 2010

Satisfied with the Past and Appreciating the Present

"The god of materialism offers nothing permanent to the woman who succumbs to it. She does not view the past with satisfaction because she never got all she wanted. The present is unappreciated, because her whole focus is on the future" -Barbara Bush

Just ran across this quote this evening and had to share simply because it sums up much of what I've been dealing with lately. Don't let the title of this post fool you. I'm not saying that I am satisfied with my past and completely appreciating the present. BUT... I am slowing learning to not play that rewind button in my head that I'm all the time pushing because I simply cannot go back and change things; and I'm also learning not to focus on the future because I'm not guaranteed the future and God is doing too much in the present for me to worry about what is not guaranteed.