March 27, 2018


As I take this week to prepare my heart for Easter, I can't help but reflect over the past 12 months of my life.

I remember it was this time a year ago that I got the ultimate rejection.
And I reflect on all the Lord has done since then.  

A year ago, I walked into work and knew immediately that something was wrong when asked for the password to my email. While I don't really recall the words that followed, I vividly recall the rejection. It was a feeling all too familiar to this soul. I was no longer needed. Or wanted. So it felt. My position had been cut from the company. 

My performance no longer taken into account. My kindness, integrity, work ethic, genuine concern for the wellbeing of my co-workers- all obsolete. 

All of these things. They had gotten me acceptance in life thus far. 

But what do you do when there is nothing to do? 

The following 12 months would take me on a journey I never expected.
A journey of rejection and more rejection and then finally acceptance. 

The irony in it all? Through all of the acceptance I had been seeking, I failed to accept myself. There was too much self-hate happening. If I couldn't accept myself, the next best thing is to get others to accept me, right? Wrong. And that is precisely what the enemy wanted me to believe.

So began the conversation... 

But God. You created me for acceptance. For a sense of belonging. That quality You instilled in my heart. 

Yes. But Elizabeth. You have misplaced that sense of belonging. You don't belong to the world. You belong to Me. 

Right then and there the lie began to loose its power and the truth began to take root. See how subtly the enemy will sneak that lie in? 

Am I home free now? Absolutely not.
Do gardens grow without tending to? Not hardly.

I must continue to do the work and pluck the weeds at the root. And, let me assure you, there are still plenty of weeds that need plucking. But- the flowers are starting to bloom in my garden and there's no more choking them out with the lies any longer!

See here- if the enemy could keep me focused on other's acceptance, He knew I wouldn't focus on my Father's acceptance or even my own acceptance. In the end, does it matter what kind of daughter, sister, aunt, friend, wife, mother, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, or employee I am? No. Do I want to be pleasing in all those areas of my life? Yes. But really all that matters is that I am a child of the King. And when I am seeking His will, all those other areas of my life will fall into place. 

My Father? He knows the truth. He knows I'm acceptable. 
He has accepted me. Flaws and all. 

He accepted me the moment he died on the cross for my sins. Have you accepted Him? Have you accepted His will on your life? Thy will; not my will be done.

Please do not take this as judgement or condemnation. It has taken me 35 years to just begin sorting out the lies. I am in the same boat as you. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. When is enough, enough? Did you know we have the authority in Jesus Christ to take those lies and thoughts captive and cast them back to the pit of hell where they belong? Will you join me? I've had enough of his twisting and manipulating in my life!

Stay with me for just one more second.

In reflecting over this last year, I am reminded of the ultimate rejection my Father experienced through the cross. And then how He received the ultimate acceptance of His Father in heaven. 

Our Maker has infused in us specific qualities so that we can fulfill our destiny. If the enemy can get us to hate those qualities enough- to hate ourselves enough; ultimately we miss the calling on our life.

Our Father is inviting us to abundant life in Him. With Him.
Will you accept His invitation? He has accepted you. 

Blessings for a glorious Easter season for you!

And for abundant life in Him. With Him. 

March 6, 2018

Fast Lane Living

I’m one of those that operates under a sense of urgency. Nearly all the time.

For a long time I annoyed even myself operating out of this manner. After many debates with the Lord about this trait in me, I now understand it is how I’m wired and can appreciate it as a gift from my Father that makes me uniquely me. I’m learning how to balance this feeling that everything needs to have been done yesterday and learning how to use that drive when I need to get things done, yet not miss out on the journey and enjoyment of life.
What does that have to do with anything?
Well- you see, I was driving in the fast lane the other day and it gave me something to think about. I’ve recognized this fast lane living about myself for some time. However, I gained a new perspective when I was out driving on this particular morning. While I was driving, the sunrise was directly behind me- in my rear view mirror. It was the fiery pink, red and orange strokes in the sky that caught my eye. I was sad it was behind me and I couldn't take in the beauty of the first moments of a new day, but I was grateful I could catch glimpses here and there through the mirror.
Until I could no longer catch even a quick glimpse because I was now driving directly parallel to this beauty that was unfolding in the sky. While I continued to maintain my stance in the fast lane, I would quickly turn my head to grab another glimpse of the fiery strokes highlighting the silhouettes of the mountains. Of course, only when I could do so without creating a disturbance amongst the cars around me. That’s when the question came. “How often are you driving in the fast lane and missing out on the beauty I have for you?”
I’ve had this conversation many times with the Lord. Not living life so fast and taking time to stop and smell the roses per say. “But…” my spirit responded. “This is how you made me. We’ve already had this discussion.”
Ahhhhh… Light bulb moment! Yes- while this is how I was uniquely made and while I can still honor that trait my Maker gave me, at the same time I need to take note of which seat I am occupying. The driver’s seat or the passenger’s seat. Or even in the back seat fast asleep. That can make all the difference in the world. While I believe this sense of urgency helps me to do much of the work my Father gives me, I know I will be much more effective if I’m in the passenger’s seat. Not to mention, I’ll spend less energy trying to figure out where to go and get to take in more of the surrounding beauty of life.
While driving in the fast lane can often get a bad rap, I think its best to take a look at which seat you find yourself in. Now here’s a thought… Perhaps sometimes we need to step up our game and riding in the fast lane with the Ultimate Driver is the way to do that. While the season of life and surrounding circumstances will often determine the lane you travel, pay attention to the seat you occupy, in your little race car.
Either way, whichever lane you find yourself in- buckle up and lets enjoy the ride [in the passenger's seat]! 

In Memory
While I was processing the thoughts above as they swirled around in my head, one of the most faithful race runners I know went to be with his Father. Brother Doug had the most energy I have ever seen a single soul posses. He had a love for the Lord that was bigger than life and his passion was to share that love and see others  [especially children] come to love the same God he did. This man was the greatest example of living life in the fast lane while allowing his Father to control the steering wheel. None of us were ready to see him go home, but I know we are all forever grateful for the example he set of running the race. You ran the race well, Brother Doug!