April 30, 2010

Putting It In Perspective

The other day my sister made a comment to me; “I wonder how people survived 100 years ago when they didn’t have cell phones?” Ummmmm… I don’t think it was 100 years ago. I’m pretty sure it was just like 20 years ago and even then if you were lucky enough to have one it was like the size of your head.

The little girl that I nanny for (and I’m not sure why I don’t have any stories about them on here yet so stay tuned) told her mom that the baby cried for 3 hours the other day. Well, it was more like 30 minutes but sometimes that can feel like 3 hours when it’s a baby screaming.

Everyone has their own perspective on things, but I can’t help to chuckle at these exaggerations. I’m sure you have heard someone exaggerate a few things in your lifetime, but sometimes children have the funniest perspective on things.

Here's one for you.... When you hear the word BILLION what do you think?

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.

A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age
D. A billion days ago no one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

For another perspective, let’s look at New Orleans. It’s amazing what you can learn with some simple division. Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) asked Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS to rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number…What does it mean?

A. Well… if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man woman, and child) y
ou each get < /I> get $516,528.
B. Or… if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, your home gets $1,329,787.
C. Or… if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.

Hello, Washington DC! Are your calculators broken?
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Luxury Tax
Marriage License Tax
Social Security Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt and the largest middle class in the world and mom stayed home to raise the kids. What happened? Can you spell politicians? And I still have to press “1” for English.

How’s that for perspective?

April 21, 2010

Driving to the Pearly Gates

Just wanted to share this quote that I found:

“I don’t want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully tailored clothes…and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking the kids to scout camp…I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone’s garden. I want to be there with children’s sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know that I was really there, and that I really lived.”

- - Marjorie Hinckley

April 20, 2010

Why My Skin Crawls

The other day I shared with you some of the things that make my heart sing. I think it's only appropriate that I also share with you the things that absolutely make my skin crawl. I hope this does not come back to bite me...

* When someone is driving and does not turn off their blinker after they turn.
* People that are late. It's just rude and inconsiderate of other people's time.
* Hypocrites. Enough said.
* People with no manners. Did your mother not teach you anything?
* People that talk on their cell phone while they are checking out of line.

Wow. This list was a little difficult to come up with. I'm thinking that is a good thing though.

Disclaimer: Just because you now know what totally pi$$es me off, you do not have the right to purposfully commit these acts of disgrace against me!

It Is Well With My Soul; But, When It's Not...

For the most part things are usually well with my soul. At least until some worldly presence reminds me that I’m surrounded by a world full of sin. I heard this song on the radio this afternoon and it brought some heated and lively feelings to the surface that I would rather not admit to experiencing. The lyrics that got me all fired up were from the song “Gives You Hell” by the All American Rejects. They went like this:

When you see my face hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell.
When you come my way hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell.

I know, I know, I know! This is not the attitude I should have but for a split second it gave me some relief as I was singing those words at the top of my lungs in my car today. If only it was a nice day and my top could have been down for everyone to hear me. Now, that would have been some major relief. As usual… I digressed. Some of you know that I have just experienced a broken engagement so I guess you can understand why I may get those sudden bursts of heated feelings right now.

I’m sure you can imagine who I was singing those words to, but I must remind myself every day that my Father knows the plans for my future and if/when my prince charming will come into my life. But until then, I must prosper in the place He has put me at this very moment. I also must ask myself “Is it really well with your soul, Elizabeth?” I can honestly and whole heartedly say, “Yes, it is!” This is only because I have been able to surrender the control that I was so desperately holding onto. Not to say that I don’t ever quiver with fright when I do not know what is in my future, but when that happens I have to declare a ‘HOLY BUT’.

This phrase was used by someone I know the other day and I fell in love with it so let me explain. The Word tells us to make known the desires of our hearts. No boasting intended here, but I am quite faithful about reminding Him of my desires. Like He could forget them- but I just want to make sure they are still accounted for. Here’s how I’m finding it works: I tell Him the desires of my heart and sometimes He has a better plan in mind (that I obviously do not see) so He does not always give me the desires of my heart. It is then that I must declare a ‘Holy But’ and express my desire to still honor and glorify His name even when I do not see my desires fulfilled. Here is an example: “God, please reveal to me at your earliest convenience the man that I will marry. It is my desire to provide a loving, caring, and godly environment for a family. BUT (this is the ‘Holy But’) if you choose not to reveal someone that I can spend the rest of my life with then I will still honor and glorify your name and find other ways to express my love and care toward others.” Makes sense, right? Right…. It’s not easy but I’m working on declaring those ‘Holy Buts’ every day and invite you to join me!

April 14, 2010

Why My Heart Sings

Life has been somewhat of a whirlwind, chaotic, and overwhelming lately. I want to take some time to just sit back and remind myself of the simple things that make my heart sing.

* Seeing something new in something that is old.
* Seeing God work in someone's life and watching them realize it is God.
* Sitting by the lake and doing absolutely nothing. And seeing Hallie (my dog) get excited because she knows we are getting ready to go to the lake.
* Experiencing when God answers my prayer above an beyond what I have asked for.This shouldn't surprise me, but sometimes I am awe struck by His goodness.
* Standing next to my little brother that is a full 6 inches taller than me. It makes me feel safe.
* Getting a bouquet of flowers for absolutely no reason at all.
* Watching God work out the smallest detail in my life. You know- the ones you think He doesn't care or even know about.
* Having an amazingly productive day and still enjoying time for myself.
* Laughing with my sister to the point of rolling in the floor simply because we don't know what is so funny.
* Experiencing a faithful God when I am unfaithful and undeserving of what He's given me.
* Finding a ridiculously great sale.
* Relationships that have shaped and changed my life.
* Knowing that I have a Father that loves me so much He sent His only son to die for me.
* Chocolate iced, cream filled, Krispy Kreme donuts.

April 12, 2010

Here, Let Me Give You a Breath of Fresh Air

I apologize for the delay. There is just so much in my head right now it is difficult to put it all together.

I am beginning to see that I am being broken. It is a process and not a fast one I might add. In fact, I'm pretty sure it has been happening over the last 27 years and it is all just now coming to light. I would be willing to bet that God gets pretty frustrated with me sometimes (well actually, probably much of the time). I get frustrated too, so I can't begin to imagine how He feels.

First, let me talk through a little bit about how I see brokenness. (Spiritual) brokenness is realizing and understanding that without God you are spiritually bankrupt. I do not know anyone with the desire to be financially bankrupt- so why would you want to be spiritually bankrupt? It is surrendering every aspect of your life to Him and giving up that natural human desire for control- It is a total cry out to God for Him to work out everything in your life for your good. (As He sees it good. We don't always see his goodness at the time). It is my belief that the goal in brokenness is to worship the Father through it ALL- the good and the bad. It is when you believe and release that control that you begin to break so that He can and will work it all for your good.

I don't consider myself a control freak; however, others may disagree... But like most people, I do like to have a grasp on where my life is and where it is headed. I go here to say that it is not easy to give up that control; and brokenness is not a pretty thing I am discovering. It takes a course of events to get you there and sometimes those events are not pleasant ones. But is is necessary for each and every event to take place so that you can get to that special place where God wants you.

I hate it when you are going through a rough time and someone says, "Just remember, God will not give you more than you can bear." Well, I've got news for you folks. I know you mean well, but I'm pretty sure He does give me more than I can bear otherwise I would not have to rely on Him to bear it for me. Sometimes it's in the bad times that you see the most blessing. Almost like He is saying, 'See. I will bless you even in the bad times so that you are reminded of Me and My presence.' It's like He's telling me to come up for air. Do you ever feel that way? Like you have been given trial after trial and then He comes along like a breath of fresh air? It is so refreshing.

I'm asking myself, "Would I really come to Him if everything were just fine and dandy all the time? If I were able to keep things under control would I really need to rely on someone else?" In all honesty... probably not. I have the desire to be strong like a lion and carry what is weighting me down, but at the same time I am weak like a lamb and will let my Father carry it for me as I know He can. I guess this is the process of my brokenness shaping me to be the person in the place where God wants me to be.

April 6, 2010

A Little Overwhelmed

Wow. This blogging stuff can be a job. Its good for me though and rather enjoyable. Helps me get my thoughts together.

Have you ever had so much on your mind and witnessed blessing after blessing that you are just overwhelmed and can't think through it all? That's where I am. Everything seems to just be a whirlwind right now. Not in a bad way, but I just need some time to process it all and baste in His quietness. Hopefully I can get it jotted down in a few days. Stay tuned