July 16, 2012

Adjusting the Radio

Once again…. It’s been too long and I’m not going to waste my time or yours trying to play catch up so I’ll jump right in. But… I will take back the comment earlier about being desperate for Him to take me out of my comfort zone. Funny how He answers your prayers as long as they are aligned with His will!!

I’ve found myself adjusting my radio lately. No, not the radio in my car… However, I sometimes do that too. And if you know me at all, you know that I get most of my epiphanies in the car so I can see how you would think that way. Oh, and don’t let me forget to tell you about the latest car conversation. Sorry- this is the ADD setting in so I’ll get back on track with the first story. Like I said… it was not the car radio. This time, however, it has been my life radio. I have had WAY too much static trying to take over and get me distracted. Well, ok. Maybe it did take over and get me distracted. But only for a little while. It may seem like longer to you since I haven’t been on here much lately, but I promise it didn’t take me that long to get back on track. I’ll be the first to admit that I still get off track, but I think I’m getting better about finding my way back more quickly than I used to. Hopefully, anyway…

So yes. Imagine that. Static in your life trying to take over and get you off track.  It’s not been the most pleasant thing to experience. You know how annoying it is to have the radio on and then the static starts to take over?!?! I hate it when that happens! But I knew what was going on. And I knew that I was starting to forget to look for the blessings in the day to day daily grind. They say that’s the first step to recovery, right? Admitting that you have a problem? Well, I’ve admitted it and I was screaming: “Captain, we have a problem!! A big problem!” And guess what?!?! He told me that I knew what I needed to do to fix it. That’s right. I just had to get back to looking for the blessings in the good and the bad and the pretty and the ugly. Sometimes I forget to do that. Now there are times that I’ve been good at it, but until recently it had not been the most natural thing to do. It came when I started reading this book; One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I’ll tell ya more about that later.
Hang tight and I’ll share the down load I got while I was at the beach a few weeks ago. FYI… It’s amazing what you can hear when you take the time to retune your radio and get rid of the static.