June 29, 2010

Making a Roaring Return

I’m back! I bet some of you thought you got rid of me…

I just returned from a much needed vacation where I was able to escape reality for a bit and soak in some sun and sand as well as everything that God is doing (and He didn’t stop while we were at the beach). I don’t want to bore you too much playing catch up since I haven’t been on here in a bit because there is just simply too much going on to give you every detail. I’ll post it in bits and pieces later.

For now, I want to try something different and post more pics than I usually do. I tend to ramble and if any of you are like me, you like people to get to the point and don’t like to read all the crap and rambling. Here are a few pics that my good friend, Liz, took of our family while we were at the beach. It has been quite some time since our family has had a really good pic taken of us all together so enjoy these- for it will probably be another decade before you get another one!

Ok- I'll quite rambling already. Here. Enjoy!

The Whole Fam! Again... Just another pose.

The best grandmother on the planet!!

Hubbard grandkids with Gango!
The Hubbard GIRLS!
Hubbard Kids
3 Generations of Elizabeths!!
There you have it! Hopefully that was better than just a bunch of rambling. Later!

June 4, 2010

Dream Job

I think that most people see me as this business-like, professional, ‘corporate world’ oriented girl. Well, quite the contrary is true. True… I can play the corporate game and I can play the office politics. And honestly, I think I do a pretty good job, but the truth of the matter is that I hate it with a capital H! I am what most would call a nurturer and my deepest desire is to make sure everyone is taken care of before I take care of myself. And I found out all too quickly that that is not how the corporate world works. Everyone (well, not literally everyone, but MOST everyone) is out for themselves and not the best of the company OR those around them.

I think it started when I was little. I was not the typical little girl and did not play with the Barbie and Ken dolls like most girls did. I was not into the fashion, perfect body, big house, sporty car, prince charming frenzy that everyone else was stuck on. Don’t get me wrong. I had a few Barbies, but I rarely played with them. BUT… I did have more baby dolls than you would probably even care to see! I have always been a realistic person and prefer to see the realistic side of things rather than the sugar coated side. While playing with my dolls I always dreamed of being a wife and mom- my dream job I guess I would say. Not the most glamorous or even rewarding (financially) but definitely my idea of the perfect lifestyle! And to top it off when I was 10 years old I got a baby sister and 3 years later I got a baby brother so I had REAL LIVE baby dolls to play with! How awesome would that be?!?! Jealous? I know- Probably not… The only downfall was that I was a free built in baby sitter for my parents. But on the flip side, I got some experience that most girls don’t get and should be a few steps ahead when I have my own kids!

In February of this year, I got my dream job- caring for and nurturing for a baby boy. I nanny for a family now and love every minute of it! Yes. Even the days when laundry is piled up to the ceiling and I am lugging around a screaming baby on my hip! I know… you probably think I’m crazy. A lot of people told me this would help me decide if I really wanted kids or not and it has definitely reiterated the fact that I want a family. Right now, this is my family- my adopted family. I don’t really consider it work, but I love ‘working’ for my family. I consider the baby my own and melt when he reaches out his arms for me to pick him up. I love watching him grow and develop! He should be crawling any day now! Really- he is right there and wants to do it so badly! He’s just got to figure out how to coordinate his hands and knees at the same time. And did I mention that he cries when I leave the room? Precious he is! Just precious!

You may be thinking; well, she doesn’t really get a feel for what it’s really like. She gets to do the fun stuff and then go home. Nope. Not true. I’ll stay overnight (and get up five times with a crying baby), run errands (with kids and that is no walk in the park let me tell you), go to doctor appointments, etc, etc, etc. So, no- I don’t just get to do the fun stuff. I still get to deal with throw up (which by the way, I never thought I’d be able to deal with but when it’s ‘your’ kids you somehow manage through it), the occasional poop while in the bath tub, sending a diaper through the washing machine, and not to mention saving wildlife from the family cat. You got it! I even rescued a snake from the cat one day and not so much rescued a baby rabbit because I was a little late and it was already dead.

There you have it. Now you have heard about ‘my’ little family. I’ll try to keep you updated on a more regular basis especially now that I will also be caring for the 6 year old little girl since school is out- I’m sure that will present opportunity for more stories so stay tuned!

Here's a few pics for you so you can see just how cute the kids are. You have to admit... they ARE some of the cutest kids in the world!!

Wyatt- 6 months
Autumn- 6 years