February 5, 2018


I have never really been one to watch what I eat.
Until recently that is. But that’s a story for another time.
I have many friends that are cautious of their diet and avoid most additives you will find in foods today, but that was just never something on my radar. While it takes a conscious effort and discipline to stay away from these things, it is something they want to do so they make it happen.
What's the big deal with additives you may wonder? I’ve been talking with the Lord about patience for some time now. Something I have always struggled with and something I continue to struggle with. So much so that I can hardly stand to wait on just a pot of water to boil! It’s something He’s been working on consistently with me, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when I recently asked Him what He was trying to teach me in a particular circumstance and His response was… drum roll, please… Yep, you got it- patience!
So I decided this subject deserved some (more) serious evaluation.
And here’s what He showed me:
Somewhere along the way, and I don’t even know where, I heard if you add a tad bit of salt to a pot of water it will boil faster. So my gullible self had been doing this for years. Yeah... Picture me standing by the stove waiting and waiting for the water to boil faster just because I added a pinch of salt. I never really tested the theory to see if it was true and turns out it is a false theory. Should I be surprised? Probably not. Because of the law of thermodynamics, it actually slows the process down.
In thinking about this, I got to wondering what things are in my life that I added thinking they would speed things up, but in the end actually slowed the process down? People, habits, poor attitudes, “stuff”? Yeah, all of the above. Sometimes you just pick these things up because they are the norm in your social circle or family of origin. However, the Lord does not intend for us to take on these things that are not of benefit to His purpose in our life. You see, the thing is… the Lord usually has a process He is taking you through and if you add something to that process you will not benefit fully from what he is trying to teach you.
How about as spring approaches, we all take a good look at our hearts and reconsider what needs to stay and what needs to go.
Let spring cleaning begin!   

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