May 19, 2010

Demanding Dentists

Is it really that common for people to dread going to the dentist? Personally, I have never had that fear that some folks talk about. In fact, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum- I find it quite humorous. Here’s why: I have always asked myself, “Why do dentists ask you questions when they are working in your mouth and you can’t answer them?” It has always been frustrating to me but funny at the same time when the dentist is asking me a question and I obviously cannot answer him.

For the most part, my experience today at the orthodontist office was no different than I expected. I knew I was going to go in and have a procedure to glue my retainer back in place and I knew he would be asking me a million questions, as he usually does, that I could not answer (due to the fact that his hands are in my mouth working when he asks). But, where the experience was a little different today was when he started asking questions and I knew my answer was going to create more questions for him to ask that I would not be able to answer. Today… well, we’ll just say was just about too much for me to bear.

Picture this: I'm sitting in the chair with my mouth stuffed full of cotton so he can glue my retainer back in place. The conversation (and my nodding) goes like this: He asks me if life is treating me well so I nod a simple yes. Then he asks me if I'm getting married soon. I shake my head no and this is when the laughter begins to build up inside of me only because I know this is going to lead to more questions that I will not be able to answer. He responds with, "Hmmmm... I don't know why I thought you were getting married. Are you dating someone?" Again, I shake my head no as a chuckle begins to seep through. He says, "Well, were you dating someone?" I nod my head yes. And then he said, "What'd you do, kick him to the curb?" It was all I could do to keep from losing my composure and bust out in laughter (never mind this man is gluing my teeth and a mishap could result in him possibly gluing my mouth shut) but I nodded a simple yes and we both chuckled. Finally, all the debris was removed from my mouth and I quickly informed him that he had not lost his mind- Yes, I was engaged to be married and the wedding was called off, blah, blah, blah. Much like I have explained before. But hey, at least I can get some laughter out of it in this situation, right? The conversation continued, but I won't bore you with the details. But really- next time you are at the dentist take note if he is asking you questions that he is very much aware you can't answer because his hands are in your mouth.

Perhaps this is why I don’t fear going to the dentist like some people do… I’ve never had a traumatic experience. Although, I usually come out with a story to tell, much of the time they are usually pretty humorous. Gotta love our question demanding dentists when they have their hands in our mouth!!

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