May 26, 2010

"What happened to the corporate world?!?!"

Once again I am reminded that I have not shared about the family that I nanny for. I promise that will be my next entry, but for now… here’s some humor for you:

Several months ago I decided to step out of the corporate world. I weighed the pros and cons of such a decision: a more flexible schedule, a more relaxed atmosphere, more time to finish planning the (canceled) wedding and enjoy being a newlywed (not…), and so forth. However, I did not take into account that my beloved sister would be affected by this decision. Well, it just so happens that she brought this to my attention this afternoon.

As you can imagine, it is not uncommon for me and Peyton Anne to share clothes. And this afternoon is no exception… Peyton Anne was getting ready to go out with some friends and just like she has before, she asked me if she could wear one of my shirts (well… usually she won’t ask- I will go to get something and not be able to find it until I search her room, but that is beside the point). I asked her if she was talking about the one that I was currently wearing and she said yes. I proceeded to remind her that I had been working and sweating in it all day and asked her if she still wanted it. She wanted to know what exactly I had done so I did not hesitate to tell her that we did chores this morning which included sweeping the front porch, we played kick ball, we jumped on the trampoline, I rescued a baby rabbit from the cat (well, not rescued because it was dead), and held a sick baby. Did she still want to wear the shirt off my back? I’ll let you make an educated guess and figure that out yourself.

After our short conversation, she marched off and mumbled under her breath loud enough for me to hear, “What happened to the corporate world?!?!” Don’t lie. You know you’ve done it. Gotten home from a day at the office and taken your pants or shirt (or both for that matter) off and hung them back in the closet because they just were not dirty enough to constitute a wash in the washing machine just yet. I know when I was in the corporate world I could usually get a couple of wears out of a pair of pants or a shirt unless it was a day of craziness where I was running around all day and just would not be able to contaminate the clean clothes in my closet with the ones on my back. THEN and only then would they be thrown in the dirty laundry basket for a good wash’n!

Now that I am out of the “corporate world” and getting my hands physically dirty most days at my new job- 99% of the time I end up washing my clothes after every wear. Although this is something I did not consider before making the decision to leave the corporate world, I do not consider it a con- at least not in my world anyway. However, my sister has a different perspective because now she must plan ahead and plan to wear my clothes when she is sure they will be clean… Sorry Sis, but this is the price you pay for having an extended wardrobe! Love ya!

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